Thursday, June 28, 2012

Henri the Torturer

Pushing the boy. by mdelagrange
Pushing the boy., a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Today at Takashimaya we swung by the play area and hark! they had added a new toy for the little tots to play with. Only there was a little boy sitting on it, not moving a muscle or being the least bit playful but clearly staking his claim. So Henri did what he does best and just started pushing it around with the boy still on it having a grand time. Most children might find this fun but this little boy was clearly threatened and instead of lashing out toddler style he sat there in silent misery, with the most tortured expression on his face. Then other children crowded around the new toy to check it out. The boy continued to sit in his quiet dismayed state with silent tears going down his face while his father and I tried to contain a couple giggles... Eventually the poor boy broke and let out one tiny wail and his father rescued him - poor tortured thing.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Last day of kindermusik

Fwd: Henry by mdelagrange
Fwd: Henry, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Henri playing with a drum today at kindermusik. When we started he would only have been interested in mouthing this drum... Not that he's lost total interest in this.


Ewwe by mdelagrange
Ewwe, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Grand Hotel

After watching a fraction of a show on CNN on Taipei and seeing the Grand Hotel featured we decided to take a look. The Grand Hotel has an underground slide for a quick get away in case a VIP needs to escape. Since we aren't VIP we didn't get to go down the slide so we just walked around instead...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today's Poo Shoot

IMAG0795.jpg by mdelagrange
IMAG0795.jpg, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Henri did a few scenes with this little girl who he later kissed right on the mouth with very little prompting...

Poo shoot

IMAG0796.jpg by mdelagrange
IMAG0796.jpg, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Happiness = full access to a water faucet

Fwd: by mdelagrange
Fwd:, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Back to the zoo

The zoo by mdelagrange
The zoo, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

This weekend we decided to take a quick trip to the zoo. Henri seemed to notice the animals more this time but I think Maxime and I got more out of it this time around...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tropical storm leaves boy, puppy, unimpressed

Silly face by mdelagrange
Silly face, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Talim passed last night with little more than a couple howling winds and a few strikes of lightening. Basically he was a no show. I think mainland got hit a little harder than us.

In other news, the spider remains a permanent fixture on my window.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pet spider prepares while storm approaches...

There is a tropical storm named Talim headed our way. Luckily it isn't strong enough to be a typhoon since it is supposed to make landfall on our side of the island. For months now this spider has lived outside my window. He's made it through many a downpour but will he survive Talim?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Visiting the Flower market

Flower market by mdelagrange
Flower market, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Today we decided to check out the flower and jade markets while our husbands celebrated fathers day on the golf course. They were meant to be showing off their new little pinwheel toys but I'm pretty sure Henri was just reaching for tristyn's hand. They hold hands a lot...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Henri's tub collection

Bath by mdelagrange
Bath, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Each day Henri makes it a goal of his to throw as many household things he can get his hands on into the tub. He has limited opportunities as usually the door is closed. He has now combined his newly honed diaper bag unpacking skills with this hobby of his. Today's haul- a clean diaper, the wipes box, a clean sock and wash cloth and a couple flash cards.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our trip to Wulai

Despite the rain, fog and Maxime's jet lag, today we set out on a day trip to the village of Wulai. It is an aboriginal village best known for a large waterfall. 

Today we had partners in crime - our new neighbors who recently moved from Texas and have two little daughters. After suckering them into leading our two-car caravan (trying to navigate here can be quite challenging) we set out on the 35 kilometer trek that took over an hour due to the lack of direct highway access (they never once got us lost! Beginners luck...) 

In Wulai you are treated to an "Old Street" that is packed with touristy shops and food carts. if you have a weak stomach like me you look around cautiously since you are bound to see a whole boiled chicken with a twisted neck and his head still on, eyes staring blindly...  (I'm easily scandalized...) 

Then you cross a bridge and scale a treacherous staircase (treacherous due to having a stroller in one hand, the diaper bag in the other, slick from the rain, etc.) to catch the log cart - a very small train that takes you to the falls. This was fun, had great views, and it definitely beat walking.  

The falls were beautiful. Of course my opinion of waterfalls is skewed due to visiting Niagra Falls as a kid - this was a more tropical version... Much smaller, not nearly as much mist...   

There were more shops up there as well as a group of young ladies dressed in some kind of traditional garb who were extremely excited to meet our kids. After getting our fill of pictures of the falls and attention from the locals we then scaled even more treacherous stairs to jump on the gondola that took us over the waterfall and into a resort and park that we really didn't get to explore very well due to the kiddos getting tired. The first thing we happened upon there, which was really random, was an old fashioned haunted house ride (which we obviously jumped on immediately). 

On our way back down the steps we stopped for a coffee - while we waited, nearby a young boy was holding a huge butterfly that had just hatched and couldn't fly yet. A small thing but it was cool, I had never seen a brand new butterfly before. 

My neighbor Jenny had the foresight to take a camera so between her great shots and our phone, here are some images from the trip. 

Excited to be in Wulai

Henry funny face by mdelagrange
Henry funny face, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Playing at the waterfall

Playing at the waterfall by mdelagrange
Playing at the waterfall, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Wulai waterfall

Wulai waterfall by mdelagrange
Wulai waterfall, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Wulai waterfall with family

Scary ride!!

Scary ride by mdelagrange
Scary ride, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Scary ride!

Scary ride 2 by mdelagrange
Scary ride 2, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Hen and Maxime in the log cart

Headed to the falls in the log cart

Log cart 2 by mdelagrange
Log cart 2, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Log cart

Log cart by mdelagrange
Log cart, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

henri with the pipe smoking statue

henri and statue by mdelagrange
henri and statue, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Group shot

Group shot Wulai by mdelagrange
Group shot Wulai, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.


Wulai 2 by mdelagrange
Wulai 2, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.


Butterfly by mdelagrange
Butterfly, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Here is the brand new butterfly...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Evening at the park

Evening at the park by mdelagrange
Evening at the park, a photo by mdelagrange on Flickr.

Maxime, Henri and neighbor Trysten at the park.