Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I did miss home on Thanksgiving day - Henri and I had the whole cold and rainy day to ourselves as Maxime was at work. I tried to start a tradition with Henri by going to the movies but he mostly complained it was too loud and wanted to keep changing seats. Luckily we had a really nice dinner planned. We had six couples plus 8 kids. It wasn't home - but it was a lot like a thanksgiving dinner we would have had back home - kids running around, men sitting around (talking about football ;-), ladies providing the traditional fare... We got to try each other's family dishes - some amazing stuffing, crazy rich and delicious mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, ... I was a little disappointed that we only had four cranberry options ;-). I'm so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life here in Taiwan. I really love my friends here and I know my days here are numbered so it's easy to feel just really, really lucky to have them. Here are some photographs from last night:




Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Recent Pics

From a recent catalog with the word "KaKa" written across the top...

Here is Henri sitting with his and one other class waiting to be picked up (they hand off the children one by one)

Henri is a big help at the grocery store - he pushes our cart...

and unloads it, all by himself

The dozen eggs still in the cart... those were picked up upside down and one did not survive and I looked like a pretty silly momma taking pictures instead of making sure my two year old didn't break the eggs...

Handsome boy - taken  on the steps that lead up to the "fountain."