Wednesday, February 6, 2013


One month in, Henri seems to have really adjusted to school. When I dropped him off today he was dancing and spinning around and being silly from the moment we walked into the classroom. He also ate (half) a vegetable dumpling that was provided as a snack for his class, which I thought was pretty awesome considering I can hardly get him to try a single kernel of corn! Today his teacher told me that he prefers playing with other children rather than playing with toys. This is why we wanted to put him in school in the first place – He is so very social and I thought he would enjoy being around more people during his away-from-me-time.

 But wait, I’m not done…

This evening, just before bath time, Henri went into his room, opened the drawer that holds his diapers, brought one back to Maxime and I in the living room, and laid down for a diaper change - without any prompting from us whatsoever. He had pooped. This is huge, it means he is finally noticing when he needs a diaper change. Let’s hope this awareness continues. I’ve been shopping around for potty chairs of late – In naïve hope that I will need one soon… By the way, I love saying “potty chair” because it reminds me of the infamous story of when my angry then-toddler sister, who had formed an attachment to her potty chair, came out of the bathroom upon its disappearance, angrily demanding to know “who stole my potty cha-oh?!”

Lately we have just been nursing our colds – Maxime stayed home two days this week to try and recover – Luckily Henri seems better this week. Mine has been more of a nuisance than anything. Luckily I knew it was coming and drugged myself accordingly…

The other big news is that we are thiiiiiis close to booking our April spring break trip to Malaysia. Then once that trip is behind us we will start planning our summer travels back to the States!

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