Monday, November 14, 2011


For Halloween we were graciously invited to take part in trick or treating at a park here in Tianmu. Henri was SUPPOSED to be dressed as a cowboy but that didn’t really work out. He screamed until we removed his chaps. His hat was too big and he kept kicking off his fake cowboy boots. So basically we showed up with him in wranglers and a plaid button up.  I cried. I know that’s silly but I wanted him to be dressed up for Halloween and I wanted really cute pictures. Next Year…

This group of parents, mainly American School faculty, gathers at a park which is nestled low beneath a sheer cliff by a river.  It is beneath a canopy of trees and I was actually pretty creeped out wandering around there in the dark.  The way it works is one parent accompanies the kids and the other sits down on a bench or somewhere along the path of the park and sets up shop – some actually brought a jack-o-lantern and were dressed up themselves.  So the kiddies walk around from spot to spot, trick or treating. Sadly, it probably takes less than twenty minutes to hit everyone, but their bags are full and they can play on the playground when they finish.

So next year I will definitely buy a proper costume WAY in advance from the U.S. and I will blow you away with amazing photographs for sure.

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