Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

This thanksgiving came and went before I knew it. We were invited to someone's home to celebrate so luckily I got my turkey/stuffing fix for the year. Unfortunately Maxime had to work.

A friend was kind enough to offer us a ride which was great because hauling a baby/car seat/hot casserole dish/diaper bag in a taxi was going to be quite challenging. She and her husband showed up a little worse for wear. Their oven had gone out so they were behind schedule and their nearly one-year old had picked up on the stress and was making her unhappiness known. Very loudly. So there I was, wedged between one crying baby (who seems to be crying at me for invading her domain) and my own (who after joining the fun initially by adding his own screams, opted to just stare at the other baby in shock for the duration of the ride) in the backseat with a hot casserole dish on my lap while we sped through Tianmu to get to the thanksgiving feast. Anyone who has been stuck in a car with a screaming baby would know how stressful this can actually be...

Thanksgiving was different with a baby. With Maxime gone I pretty much had my full attention on Henri who was on the move, mouthing every toy he could find and chasing the older babies around who could definitely care less.. I was proud of him - it was late for him but he kept his composure.  Until the drive back which was very similar to the drive there, minus the hot dish, but adding Henri's screams.

My friend had a little trick up her sleeve. She turns around in her seat with her cell phone in hand. She finds the ringer settings and goes through each one, playing cell phone ring after cell phone ring. The babies would fixate on the phone while it rang but would start up again when it stopped so she had to hurriedly go from ring to ring... Disco music rings, robotic rings, club music rings... By the time we made it to my place my head was spinning a bit but all in all it was a good time.

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