Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy six month birthday, Henri!

It's hard to believe that six months ago today Henri was born. So much has happened since then. He has gone from this little bundle who would make us so excited when we finally heard a single coo or spied a tiny grin to a hearty little baby boy who smiles all the time, rambles on and on and sits up by all by himself.  In the first three months of Henri's life he didn't leave a one mile radius. He was born in Chicago at Northwestern's Prentice Hospital. We lived 6 blocks away from the hospital and we actually walked him home in our bassinet stroller. He finally rode in a car for the first time at three months. Now look at him! He went from such a sheltered beginning to moving across an ocean. And he hasn't missed a beat.  Henri's last month was full of apartment searching in the heat and humidity, adjusting to a new "home," getting gawked at several times a day and tolerating daily restaurant dining. Henri never complained. All of the things I think will be tough for him he handles in stride.  Today he had his six month check up at his new pediatrician.  It wasn't THAT different than in Chicago. The doctor didn't check for developmental milestones or talk to me about how much food and sleep he is getting. We didn't put him on the table and she didn't do a thorough exam, compared to what we are used to.  She looked in his ears, listened to his heart while Maxime held him and that was about it.  I brought his shot records and whipped out my ever so handy Baby 411 book to be sure we used the same shot schedule as we use in the States. He got his immunizations and we were on our way. Here are his stats: Weight: 8.4 kilos or 18.5 pounds Height: 69 centimeters or 27 inches On weight he is just under 75th percentile and his height is just over 75th percentile. I used the growth charts that I brought with me from the States. Today we think we have found our new home. Apartment finding here was pretty rough but I'll go more into that soon. I looked at it and thought I could see Henri taking his first steps there. 

1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed that the place you found today works out!
