Sunday, September 18, 2011


Today Maxime and I had a pretty full day. After an early wake up call from Henri we headed for The Diner for breakfast. After polishing off some blueberry pancakes we head to Tianmu to a get-together we have been invited to with about 10 moms with their babies (husbands congregated downstairs with the older children). 

Everyone was really nice. I had to fight paranoia when Henri started mouthing other baby's toys and when he was approached by older babies. There was one little girl who kept stealing his toys and once he was quick enough to steal it back - I clapped for him but stopped when that earned me an odd look or two....

After this we walk to our future apartment while Henri snoozes in the stroller, which is maybe 1.5 miles away. We wander through the park which is just a few blocks away from our soon-to-be-home. There are lots of kiddie things that Henri will appreciate some day. There are also tennis courts, a track and a field for all sorts of frolicking. 

We head back to the hotel, Henri downs his fourth bottle of the day and we head to Carnegie's - a restaurant/bar - to watch France play Canada in Rugby. 

This felt like a pretty normal day that could have easily taken place in the U.S. Minus getting the address for the get-together translated into Chinese for the cab driver. And holding Henri still while a lady who got plain giddy at the sight  of him dug her phone out of her purse to take his picture. And agreeing to let a young Taiwanese boy practice his English on us at The Diner.  And quickly getting up from our table at McDonald's  to escape a woman who took an interest in Henri and started shoving a french fry in his face while making an odd grunting noise... And having to turn down a taxi because the seat belts don't work only to hail another one whose seat belts also don't work... But I digress... 

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